Friday, May 14, 2010

9 months and walking!

This kid is already walking. She is still pretty wobbly but she can make it halfway across a room on her own. It is so fun to watch. At her 9 month appointment she was almost 22 pounds! She is still in the 97th+ percentile for her age in height, and the weight is about in the 80th now. She is very tall and looks a lot older than she is. She looks even older now that she is walking! She has been laughing a lot these days, totally unprovoked. She realizes that things are funny, and that we like to laugh together with her. Since she is so mobile, we have started the beginning days of discipline. She gets very sad, and pooches that bottom lip out when we tell her "no". Those big alligator tears are so heart wrenching! But she is understanding and actually has been very obedient... so far. We are having SO much fun being Joanna's parents. We are VERY BLESSED!!

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